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Music for the Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers & the Whole Family

Cute Girl
Boy playing guitar
Teacher Playing Piano

Little Heart Beats' Preschool Program is a Science & Research based Early Childhood Education Music Program focused on children 0-5 years of age. It is a program that welcomes

neuro-typical and neuro-diverse children, providing

one-on-one attention in your home. All members of the family are encouraged to participate, as well.

It is a program that is customized with age-appropriate songs,

movement, & instrumentation to nurture the core developmental traits of reading, memory, IQ (intellectual),

EQ (Emotional) as well as imagination, creativity, & self-confidence.

Your child will also grow musically, setting a solid foundation

for future music education while also instilling the love of making music.

Please contact us. We will be glad to have a chat about this wonder-filled program for your baby, toddler, preschooler.


Siblings Playing
Music Class
Music Class

Music for All Ages and Neuro-Abilities 

Little Heart Beats' science-based Developmental Music for individuals of all ages and Neuro-Abilities leverages research from neuroscience, psychology, and education to optimize the impact of music on development. This approach focuses on enhancing cognitive functions, emotional well-being, and social skills through our structured musical activities specific to the individual's needs and purpose.

Studies show that engaging with music can improve memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities, while also providing a healthy outlet for emotions. By integrating scientific insights, Little Heart Beats' Developmental Music aims to support each individual by customizing, tailoring, and adapting each program to promote overall holistic growth. There is also much to be said about the program's mission to impart the overall love of making music.

Happy Girl with Glasses
cymbal girl.jpg
Playing Guitar
Playing Guitar
Boy Playing with Blocks
Man with Down Syndrome Playing Violin
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